Western Balkan Digital Security

Small Hall stage

Dr Azir Aliu

Minister of Information Society and Administration

North Macedonia

Marash Dukaj

Minister of Public Administration


Igli Tafa

General Director

National Authority for Electronic Certification and Cyber ​​Security of Albania

Hannes Astok

Chairman of the Management Board

e-Governance Academy, Estonia

Dr. Peter M. Wagner

Head of the Service for Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI)

European Commission

Dušan Polović

Director General

Directorate for Electronic Administration and Information Security in Montenegro

Priit Vinkel

Senior Expert on Smart Governance

e-Governance Academy, Estonia

Merle Maigre

Head of Cyber Security Competence Center

e-Governance Academy, Estonia

Cyber threats arising from Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine underline the need to apply a culture of sharing information and expertise between the EU and across the cybersecurity communities to prevent, discourage, deter and respond to malicious behaviour in cyberspace. Perspective EU member states remain particularly vulnerable to this kind of malicious behaviours: their EU integration is dependent on their ability to keep developing democracy and rule of law, while also adopting innovative, more effective, digital-based ways of managing public affairs and enhancing the quality of service for the people.

EU-financed project “Cybersecurity Rapid Response for Albania, Montenegro and North Macedonia” implemented by the e-Governance Academy aims to help enhance cyber resilience of these Western Balkan partners in compliance with EU acquis and best practice. Repeated high-profile cyberattacks over the course of past year across the Western Balkans highlight the need for an organized approach to cybersecurity.

Spotlighting the EU-supported cybersecurity rapid response measures in Albania, Montenegro and North Macedonia, where it is clear that cyber resilience has become important focus of crisis response in the Western Balkans and an aspect to be strengthened in international cooperation. We will explore some of the major achievements of EU funded support in this field thus far, the pressing challenges and priorities and discuss how to further strengthen democracy through technology.

15:30 – 15:35     Opening and Introduction by Hannes Astok, Executive Director of eGA

15:35 – 15:45     Keynote by Peter Wagner, Director, Service for Foreign Policy Instruments, European Commission

15:45 – 15:55    A view from Albania: Keynote address by Belinda Balluku, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure and Energy of Albania

15:55 – 16:05    Scene Setting Keynote by Marash Dukaj, Minister of Public Administration of Montenegro

16:05 – 17:00  Panel discussion moderated by eGA Programme Director of Cybersecurity Merle Maigre

  • Dr Azir Aliu, Minister of Information Society and Administration of North Macedonia
  • Dušan PolovićHead of Cybersecurity Department of Montenegro
  • Prof Igli Tafa, General Director, National Authority for Electronic Certification and Cyber Security of Albania
  • Dr Priit Vinkel, Former Head of Estonian State Electoral Office, eGA Senior Expert