Opening Panel: Digital Space Empowered by Open and Innovative Governance

Black Box stage

Ivan Bartoš

Deputy Prime Minister for Digitization and Minister of Regional Development

Czech Republic

Janusz Cieszyński

Minister of Digital Affairs


Dumitru Alaiba

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Economic Development and Digitalization

Republic of Moldova

Robin Carnahan


U.S. General Services Administration (GSA)

Veronica Cretu


Open Government Partnership

How can governments become future-proof digital platforms?

They must go beyond bureaucracy and embrace digital capabilities, ensuring access to quality infrastructure for citizens, entrepreneurs, and consumers in the digital era. However, the government alone cannot harness the full digital dividends. Collaboration with innovation facilitators and stakeholders is crucial.

What role should the government play in facilitating new technologies like AI? Who are the emerging actors, and what rules shape the digital space?

Open governance is about enabling access and the re-usability of government-provided infrastructure and data, while creating the right conditions for collaboration with other actors at the open marketplace.

The panel is moderated by Veronica Cretu, Envoy to the Open Government Partnership.